Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Enjoy it while I can.

The bus stop that Haley goes to every morning has a lot of other kids, and there's probably around six Kindergarten kids among them. Two other mothers and myself are the only ones that walk our kids to the bus stop and pick them up everyday. So the other day one of the other moms, Autumn, asks me, "How long does one keep walking their kids to the bus stop?". And we both agreed that we will do it for as long as we can...at least while they're in Kindergarten. I realize that the bus stop is only a couple of houses down from mine, but I love walking with her every morning. I love being able to give her a huge hug and kiss goodbye in front of all the other kids, and say "I love you" and she says it back willingly. I love watching her get on the bus and find her seat. I love that we both wave and blow kisses to each other while the bus drives away. And I love how when the bus returns at the end of her school day she jumps off, runs to me and gives me a huge hug like we haven't seen each other weeks.

So, yes, I'm going to keep doing it...even in the rain...even in the snow...because I know the day will come that she won't be so willing to blow me kisses through the window anymore.