Wednesday, October 7, 2009

First Appointment

I finally went to my first prenatal appointment yesterday. A little was very different from my old OB office. For starters they do an ultrasound on your first visit! Very new to me! My insurance better cover that! And they are very particular with how you pee in the cup on your first visit. A lot rules (you wouldn't think it would be so complicated)...hope I did it right! Also, they have a lab right there in the office (probably my favorite part), so now I was able to get my blood work done without having to drive to another that! However, I wasn't too thrilled with the midwife. I had to see her rather than the doctor since I couldn't get an appointment right away with him...apparently he's a busy guy. So runner up was the midwife...and like I said...not a fan. When I had to get examined (annual pap), she kept saying, "Are you NERVOUS?? Oh, you must be nervous...look at're so NERVOUS." Oh yeah, one of my favorite things to do is to lay here with my feet in the stirrups, freezing cold, with your icy hands and icy instruments touching I'm not uncomfortable at all!! Just zip your lip lady, and get the job done!! No woman ever gets used it...I've been getting paps forever...I still hate them! Anyway, enough of that. I'm sure I've grossed out a large crowd. Ah, joys of being a woman.

So, in other news...I've gained 6 pounds. I thought it would have been much much more, but apparently not. The baby is measuring bigger, so they've moved my due date to April 16th.

Say hello to our newest member of the family!


  1. Are you going to Aspen Women's Center?

  2. So great to see a picture of my soon-to-be sweet little niece or nephew! He/she could end up sharing a birthday with Parker with that due date!

  3. Funny because my brother's baby also has a birthday in April...lots of Spring babies!

  4. When do you find out what it is?
