Friday, October 9, 2009

Swine Flu

So this Swine Flu has got me a bit on the paranoid side...probably more so because I have children, who are known to bring every illness into our household. And also because of the fact that I'm in the high risk category being pregnant and all.

I've been keeping track of when Utah's shipments of the vaccine will arrive. My pediatrician's office may or may not carry it, so I opted to take the kids and Jeff to the Health Department yesterday to get them vaccinated. I expected a nightmare (it was the first day they started distributing it), crowds of people lining up around the building to get it. But surprisingly it was a very easy and pleasant experience! We had one paper to fill out, waited in a very short line (maybe 5 minutes of wait time) and then got the vaccine. It was the nasal spray kind, which kinda freaked out Haley a little, but really not too bad. I think the only bad part was they thought Jeff was the father of my children...I was like..."'s my brother!". Talk about weird! Although, maybe I should take it as a complement! Perhaps they thought I looked like a young 20 something!! Oooh, I kinda like that!

Anyway, very easy experience. I have to take the girls in again for their second dose in a month. But I'm so relieved to have the process started. Now I just need to get myself protected. I can't have the nasal spray kind, it needs to be the shot form since I'm pregnant. So I'm still waiting for the shipment to arrive. When everyone is finished getting vaccinated, only then will I breath a sigh of relief!


  1. I've always been pro-vaccination but everyone remarks on the swine flu one not being tested enough and the awful side effects it supposedly has has freaked me out a little! Let me know if your kids handle it fine!

  2. I am with you on this Kelly. Maddie and I are going to get the seasonal flu shot today and we are waiting on H1N1. Aaron's getting vaccinated, too.

    It's got me freaked out for all of us, especially Thomas because he's too young to be vaccinated.

  3. I think the media is trying to scare the people. The vaccine is really no different from the seasonal flu...just tweaked a little.

    Plus it's've already paid for it with your tax dollars!

  4. Two separate searchers found my blog today searching "flu shot tracking device". Someone searches something similar (alliteration, thank you) nearly every day.
