Tuesday, October 13, 2009

South Fork

Last Saturday my dad suggested we all go hiking. And I'm so glad he did! It was beautiful! We all packed a lunch and hit the trail up South Fork.

I have to thank my dad for all these pictures...I swiped them off his camera since I didn't take any of my own.

We decided to use the opportunity of having a photographer (my dad) with us to get our family Christmas photo. This is one of our attempts. I'm not going to post the one we're going to use...yes, I think we may have a winner in the bunch. I had to weed out a lot of rejects though...the ones of Haley crying because she dropped her prized leaf, or the one of Morgan picking her nose. But I think we got a good one...so you'll just have to wait to see it! Yes, even the dogs are going to make the cut this year.

My mom is carrying Morgan is this picture, but it was a very short distance. I must say the girls have never hiked so well! We must have hiked over three miles and they were literally running on the way back. I asked them where they got all that energy, and they said they were riding their ponies back and that's why they were going so fast. I guess I'll tell them to ride their ponies on every hike!

Don't you just think of "Little House on the Prairie" when you see these next couple pictures of the girls?

It was a perfect Fall day!


  1. damn fine photos, looks like papa smerf showed everyone how to handle a lens
