Wednesday, October 14, 2009

3 Months

All right...I finally got around to take my three month pregnancy picture. Boy...I feel much bigger than this picture looks. I even wore maternity clothes the other day for the first time. I had to drag out the bin from our crawl space...unfortunately most of it is summer wear, but I did manage to find some jeans that fit pretty good...that's right, I actually wore something other than sweats! Anyway, it felt really awkward. People aren't sure if I'm pregnant or just getting fat.

This is my three month pregnancy picture with Morgan. I love comparing. And yes, I'm wearing the exact same sweats in both pictures...hmmm, I think I should go shopping.


  1. I have some maternity sweaters that are not going to get any more use in this house... if I can fit them into my bag at Thanksgiving, I'll bring them. Otherwise, maybe I'll mail them with Christmas gifts... do you want them?
