Thursday, October 15, 2009

Long wait...but I got it!

So this morning the girls and I were out the door by 9:30 to get over to the Health Department so I could get my swine flu vaccine. However, when I got there I was horrified! The line to get into the building went out through the parking lot and wrapped around the entire block!! Nooooooo!!! My nightmare came true!!! Luckily, I have my parents here still, and my mom suggested that I bring the girls over to their house and then I get back to the line to wait it free. Yay for grandparents!! I ended up standing in line for about an hour and forty-five minutes...but I got it! I was just glad my bladder held out for that long!

So one less thing to stress over...I can relax a little.

1 comment:

  1. I'm soooo jealous!! I am on the hunt for swine flu vaccines for everyone in the family, but they haven't started distributing them to anyone in MA yet. And when they do, prisoners with high-risk factors get them first. Seriously. I'm hopeful that we'll get them in November...
