Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cornbelly's Maze and Pumpkin Festival

The weather has been amazing the last couple of days, temps in the low 70's...the way early Fall should be! Anyway, my mom and I took advantage of it and took the girls to the Cornbelly's Maze yesterday. I'd never been there before. We got there before lunch and I'm glad we did because it was really quiet for the first couple of hours giving us free rein to do whatever we wanted. It didn't start getting crowded until around 3:00, and then I was terrified of losing my kids. They were like little ping pong balls bouncing from one thing to the next. There was a child size maze made of hay bales. It was completely enclosed...basically tons of tunnels. There were three openings to get out, all the openings were near each other so parents could easily see their children come out. So at one point Haley was in the maze and Morgan was playing outside of it on a playground. I realized Haley had been in the maze for a long long time. I was scared that she had come out and I didn't see her and she was lost somewhere in the mayhem of the park. So after quite sometime I decided to go in and see if I could find her. I had to crouch really low (practically crawling) through all these tunnels (I could barely see it was so dark) calling Haley's name. It was really narrow so kids coming the other direction could barely get through...I was a major road block to them! As I'm weaving my way through the tunnels yelling for Haley I ran into another mother also yelling out for her I wasn't the only one who had lost their child in there! Anyway, I finally found her...she said she was looking for unicorns. And then as I was guiding her out she says, "Oh, mom don't go that way! That's the way out!". So she wasn't lost at all...I think she might have been in there all day if I didn't come in after her!

There was a Princess part of the park complete with a castle and dress-up clothes. Of course their favorite was the horse and carriage.

Cow Train Ride

The girls were given pig noses at the Pig Races. They loved them!
My little Piggies!

The main attraction is the massive corn maze at the park. I'm not sure if my mom and I are just bad at mazes or if that truly was a completed maze! We were totally turned around and basically found ourselves going in circles.
"Which Way?!!"
The girls started out strong, super excited to pick the way we all went. But pretty soon Haley started to get really discouraged. At one point she sat on the ground and cried, "We're never going to get out of here!". And yes, she wore her pig nose for most of the day.

We finally opted to ask a "Corn Cop" that we saw on one of the paths for help to get out. I know...lame. But when you have a crying child in the depths of despair, it's time to give it up. So he directed us out.
One of the girls favorites (and I think it was my mom's favorite too) was the huge "bounce pillow". It was a big hit!

It wasn't the cheapest outing, but there was so much for the kids to do I think it was worth it. I have a hunch we'll be going next year.

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