Friday, November 20, 2009

The Big News

It's a GIRL!!!

However, I received some concerning news. They found two cysts, one on either side of her brain. I basically freaked out...silently. The tech or nurse or whoever she was told me that it is common to see. She said that it could be a sign that something else is wrong with maybe the heart, spine, kidneys, or be a sign of some type of syndrome. So it took her close to an hour to complete the ultrasound...she examined everything very closely. I even had to move into different positions constantly to try to get the baby to flip around to get better views (the baby was not cooperating). But everything looked great. The heart was excellent, she has both kidneys, her lungs are good, spine good, limbs...everything looked perfect. So apparently these cysts can just absorb back into the body and eventually disappear on their own. I may be sent to a specialist to analyze it further, or just have a follow up ultrasound later on to monitor's up to my doctor. I guess he'll let me know during my next appointment.

I'm pretty upset, and worried...but everything will be will.


  1. Congratulations on your 3rd girl!!!
    All the love and prayers I can give are going your way!!! I hope it helps to remember that Father never asks more of us then He knows we can handle. I know that applies to scared mommies and tiny new angels too!

  2. Hurray!!!

    Sorry! I'm having a hard time giving out the proper concern, and excitement at the same time.

    So, I'll leave it at that.
