Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving in Sedona

We went to visit Ryan's mom and her husband in Sedona, AZ for the week of Thanksgiving and lucky us, the weather couldn't have been better!! It must have been in the low 70's the entire least that's what it felt like! My sister-in-law and her family came as well, all the way from Boston...her two boys are the same ages of Haley and Morgan so they all made fantastic playmates. Of course we still got the occasional WWF smack down in the living room or the screaming over toys...but then it wouldn't be Thanksgiving without a little ruckus...right? Thanks to Sandy and Ken for hosting two families for the entire week!

During the week we went hiking, visited Montezuma's Castle and Montezuma's Well, went shopping at the outlets, took the kids to the park, went for walks, fed the ducks and of course we ate and ate and ate and ate!!

The kids with Grandma and Grandpa.

Afternoon TV watching after some good outdoor play.
(notice all their dirty knees)

Hiking West Fork.

This is our traditional PJ picture.
We have one for every year!

Chad, Beth and their boys.

Our family picture at Montezuma's Castle.

What a bunch of cuties!!

A few days before we left my camera decided to crap out...again! I'm beginning to hate that thing. So anyway, I decided to take Haley's camera instead. But as soon as I got to Sedona I realized that I left the memory card for the camera in my computer at home. What a BUST! So yes, I had no camera the entire week. But luckily Beth and Chad had brought theirs. So thanks to them for taking tons of pictures! I stole these from Beth's blog...thanks Beth!


  1. When I ship the stroller, I'll put a CD in the box with all the pictures from last week...

    Miss you already!
