Thursday, November 12, 2009

Finally, a Diagnosis.

I was supposed to wait until today to take Morgan back to the doctor...that is, if she still had a fever. But I just couldn't wait that long, I wanted to her to see the doctor this time (the day before she saw the nurse). Something was wrong...I just knew it...mother's intuition I guess. The doctor came to the conclusion that she in fact has H1N1. And because her cough has lasted so long he wanted her to get a chest X-Ray to check for pneumonia. What a trooper she was! I had to take her to the hospital for the X-Ray. She had to wear a little mask, which she kept on the entire time, she never complained about it once. And since I'm pregnant I couldn't stay with her for the X-Ray (I watched through a little window), the techs had to get her in the correct positions and she did exactly what they said. She was just the sweetest little thing for the whole ordeal!

Result: she has pneumonitis, an inflammation of the lungs. The doctor has prescribed Tamaflu for the H1N1 and some antibiotics for the pneumonitis.

Boy, do I feel better to have a diagnosis finally. And let me tell ya, I'm glad I didn't wait another day to take her back to the doctor.

Now, I'm worried about the rest of us. Will Ryan come down with something? He hasn't been vaccinated for anything. And what about she safe since she's gotten her N1N1 booster. Morgan missed it since she had a fever that day. And my vaccine is going to really be put to the test...will it work?! And Jeff, will his vaccine work? And what about my parents, they have already been around Morgan this week...are they going to be okay? And Thanksgiving is right around the corner! We plan on going out of town to be with family...I certainly don't want to infect anyone there!

Worry, worry, worry...that's what I do.

Okay...back to cuddling with Morgan.

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