Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Morgie...still sick.

Morgan STILL has a fever...we're on day six now. I took her in to the doctor yesterday morning. Unfortunately, we left without any explanation of what she has. She tested negative for a few tests...they took a nose swab and a throat swab, checked her ears...but it was negative for everything. They didn't check for H1N1, nothing they can do for that anyway except treat the symptoms, and her lungs sounded good. But I'm beginning to think that is what she has. They said if she still has a fever on Thursday to bring her back in for some more tests...blood work stuff. But last night her fever jumped to over 102, I gave her some Ibuprofen, but this morning it was back up to 102.4. So I'm thinking I'm going to call the doctor again today. I want answers!

I do love love the extra cuddle time with her though. After I took Haley to the bus stop, Morgan and I cuddled together for over an hour watching TV in our jammies. When kids are sick anything goes...jammies all day, cartoons all morning, lunch on the living room floor while watching a movie...that's fine with me. And of course, all my chores get thrown to the wind. some laundry or cuddle with Morgan...hard choice.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's a long time to have a fever - poor kid! Hopefully, she'll be up and around soon!
