Monday, November 9, 2009

It's almost over.

Morgan has had a fever all weekend, and was up most of the night (in our bed) with a really nasty cough. Not sure what she has, she seems a little better least her cough doesn't sound as bad. Of course with those two symptoms H1N1 pops into my head. She's only had one dose so far (at her age she needs two...a month apart). So she's not fully protected yet! However, that didn't stop me from standing in line this morning for 45 minutes to get their H1N1 vaccine ticket for the week. The Health Department is doing a ticket system or appointments to get the vaccine, I guess to lesson the lines and mess of people everyday. But the only day to get the tickets are Monday mornings...if you miss it, you have to wait until the next week. Both Haley and Morgan are due for their second dose this week. So by tomorrow afternoon (that's when their appointment is) I'll be done with this whole H1N1...NO MORE LINES!!

In other news, my parents are coming back into town today! They're staying for two weeks...yay! So I need everyone healthy in this house!!

1 comment:

  1. i have abandonment issues about being the last one in California
