Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's Road Trip Season!

So tomorrow is the big day...I get to find out what the sex of this baby is! I'm surprised to see that the majority of the votes are going for a boy...myself, I voted girl. I would love to have a boy this round (nice to mix things up), however, this pregnancy feels very much the same as my others. So, girl. And don't get me wrong...I'm excited either way, boy or girl!

When my mom was pregnant with Jeff, I was soooooo hoping for a sister. I would always ask her what she hoped it would be. And she always answered, "I want a healthy baby." That would always drive me nuts, she never would answer a girl or boy. Now, I of the baby is always the most important thing. Oh, and I never did get that sister. Although, I did have fun dressing Jeffy up in tutus and painting his nails...what a trooper!

In other news...It's road trip time! We're getting ready to head out for Sedona in a couple of days. I'm trying to get last minute things done, although I always manage to forget something. Morgan and I went on mission this morning to find things for the car ride. I think we did pretty good! Hit up the dollar store and got some workbooks, tablets to color in, and pencil cases. Then to the library where I pretty much cleaned them out of every horse book I could find, along with books on tape for the girls, and music CD's. I have a few other things that I've been saving; activity books, stickers and such. We are a DVD free car, and I plan to keep it that way. As a kid we went on numerous road trips every year, and I always looked forward to the travel kits my mom would put together for us. But no matter how much stuff I get the girls to keep them busy, we still always hear the dreaded, "Are we there yet?". But then, I guess it's just not a road trip if you never hear those words. Now, if the weather would cooperate Saturday, that would be nice.

Funny story:
Lately Morgan has been sleeping in until about 8:30 (I know, crazy! And totally opposite of Haley). Anyway, after I dropped Haley off at the bus, I wanted to jump in the shower to get ready for my errands, but Morgan was still sleeping. Now, any other person would just get in the shower anyway. But Morgan has a tendency to wake up grumpy. She likes things a certain way: she calls from her room, and then I usually have to go in and carry her out, she needs her milk, and a cuddle while watching cartoons. She's very particular. So I thought this might disrupt her morning routine. I decided to take a shower anyway. I got her milk out, blanket on the couch, cartoons playing on the TV before I got in...just in case she got up while showering. Well, she ended up getting up while I was showering. She comes into the bathroom crying (obviously upset that no one was waiting for her) saying that she had to go potty. So I peek out from behind the curtain with a very happy and enthusiastic "GOOD MORNING!!". She stopped crying immediately, and gave me a very puzzled look. From the shower (yes, I'm still peeking from behind the curtain) I instruct her one step at a time to go herself. Amazingly she does without complaining all the while giving me the same puzzled look. Finally, she finishes and I tell her to go get her milk and watch some shows while I finish up. I figured she would cry and want me to go with her and the whole, "How dare you leave me by myself!" attitude. But she didn't! She just turned and got out of there. Weird, I thought. So I finish up and get out as quickly as I could. I face the mirror, wipe the steam off and instantly realize why Morgan was so cooperative and gave me such a puzzled look. My face was streaked with mascara! I had forgotten all about that part of my showers! No wonder Morgan cooperated...she was probably freaked out, "What happened to my mom's FACE?".

So now I know what to do when I want some cooperation around here, I'll just smear mascara all over my face. And then I'll talk in a very enthusiastic and slightly crazy voice, "PICK UP YOUR TOYS!!". Maybe they'll actually do it!

1 comment:

  1. That story made me laugh so hard!! Next time, you should try full clown make-up when they wake up in the morning... see how that goes over. Sure,they'd be scarred for life, but I bet they'd do anything you say!
