Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Weekend update

We had a very COLD weekend...in the 30's and snow! Brrrrrr! Still had fun though. I left the kids with Ryan and my mom and I went shopping Saturday morning. I was on a mission for a maternity sweat suit...yes, I HAVE to have a good pair of sweats!! The ones I have now are starting so show the elastic in the waistband...not cool! Anyway, so sweats and I needed a new pair of pajamas. There is nothing more unflattering and unsexy than the pair of 15 year old flannel pajama pants and an over sized T-shirt that I've been wearing. For summer pj's, I have quite the array of cute things to wear. But as Winter approaches, I slowly have to cover more of myself up. First with socks, than pj pants, then I pull out the long sleeve shirts, until finally not one inch of skin shows. So anyway, if I'm going to be all covered up, I might as well cover up with something cute. Luckily, I was able to find both...sweats and pj's! Yay!

On Sunday, we had our Primary program at church. This is Haley's second year doing it. She was a bit freaked out in the beginning...she didn't want to get up in front of everyone. But we coaxed her a little, and maybe bribed her a little too (who wouldn't want a big piece of coffee cake when they got home from church?). She warmed up to it, and it turned out she was quite the ham...waving and blowing kisses to us. What a cutie! And she did great! Next year we'll have both Morgan and Haley up there singing...what fun that will be!

1 comment:

  1. I was putting my pajama pants on yesterday, and the bottom of the pant leg was tangled a little. . .And my foot tore right through the side of the pant leg, as if it was paper. Yeah, my PJs are pretty old too.
