Friday, December 18, 2009

Beware...more complaining.

I feel that's all I do these days...complain. So here I go again...

I thought Haley was getting back on track...but I thought wrong. She went all day just fine, eating a little here and there and drinking normal, she even took a nap.

Well, at about 11:30 last night she wakes up yelling "Daddy! Daddy! (yeah, she calls for Ryan...never mind the fact that I stayed up with her all night the night before and nursed her back to health, I thought, all day...yeah, but I'm not bitter about it or anything) Daddy, Daddy! I think I'm going to throw up!!!". Well, it's a good thing she did call for Ryan! He jumped out of bed and got to her in super sonic speed!! Grabbed her off her bed (top bunk) and got her to the bathroom in time for her throw up in the mess! By the time I got my pregnant self out of the bed she was already practically finished! So, I was very impressed with Ryan's fast reaction!

So, now I'm devastated. My little Haley, still sick. I try so hard...I'm almost turning into a paranoid mother! I've gotten all the flu shots (seasonal and H1N1) for everyone, which consisted of waiting in line after line. And I'm the mom who washes hands constantly throughout the day, I carry the antibacterial ointment in my purse and apply it to my kids after they do in the kid area at the mall, I apply it when we leave church, I mean I practically bathe them in the stuff. I use the antibacterial wipes to clean the shopping carts off before I use them. I'm constantly cleaning the bathroom and disinfecting doorknobs, mopping floors, laundry to clean any infected clothes and sheets. I could go on and on! I know, I'm turning into a crazy lady!! I laughed at mothers who were like that at one I'm turning into that mother!! What's the point?! I might as well let them eat off the floor, put their mouths on drinking fountains, pick off the gum under tables and eat it, touch a public toilet seat and then let them pick their nose...I mean what's the seems they get sick no matter what precautions I take. Very frustrating.

So there you have it...more complaining...woe is me!
But seriously...come on...I deserve a break!!


  1. Complain away! I would be too in your shoes! Hope the sick bug leaves your house soon!

  2. You know, what you are talking about is counter-knowledge.

    You can't know how many diseases you have stopped.

    IE.. Lack of evidence, is not proof positive.

    Not that I have kids, but my niece is just a huge Petri dish for disease. If there is a person like her in Haley's class. You won't keep her away from disease.

    Welcome to having a school age child in your household.

    On the good side there is the Hygiene Hypothesis Which is still a very loose Hypothesis, before anyone get's off on a tangent of how bunk science is, it's just a hypothesis.
