Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Little Christmas Cheer

In between illness we are managing to enjoy the month of December. I wanted to share before people started to think a permanent cloud of darkness hung over our house...okay, over me.

Last weekend we finally got our tree and decorated the house. I must say, once the house is decorated I feel much more in the spirit! I also did quite a bit of shopping which helps relieve some stress. Today I went out again, and I think I'm finished! Just a few more little things, but nothing major. Oh, I do have a few returns to do. I'm very indecisive, so I'm in the habit of just buying it, and then making up my mind later. Maybe our first Christmas at home will turn out okay!

The girls with their Gingerbread houses they made last week. Unfortunately, the dogs managed to swipe the the snowmen off each of them...those sneaky dogs...I turn my back for two seconds!! But the houses still look great and make nice decorations for the living room.

Our beautiful Christmas tree.

Haley loves taking pictures of the dogs. Most of the time its of their rear ends or really blurry since they don't hold still longer than five seconds. But I thought she did a good job with these two.


I took these two. The dogs love to keep tabs on what's going on inside the house. So to stay out of the snow and still be able to see through the back door they opt to sleep on the little picnic table. Pretty clever. No we don't keep them outside forever...but sometimes I need a break!

So there you have's not all bad this month. We're trying to have a bit of fun in between all the barfing.

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