Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Spirit...where's mine?

This month has been kicking my butt!! It's been going way too fast and I feel I haven't been able to soak in the joys of the upcoming holiday. Everyone (it seems) is full of Christmas spirit... decorations are in full swing, people have their shopping done or nearly done, menus are planned, and traditions in place. Everywhere, but here.

Lets see, since we've come home from our Thanksgiving trip...I've cleaned up a lot of barf, then lived in fear for the next week waiting for the next person to come down with that included basically being a hermit, and cooking lots of light meals/dinners not knowing if that would be the night someone would harf. Then lets see, I got Morgan her booster for her H1N1 vaccine that's good. Then when I finally felt safe that no one else was going to be sick and decided I should leave the house, we got hit with a massive cold front (temps in the single digits) complete with a huge dumping of snow. Who wants to drive in that?! Not me, is the answer. So yet again, I become a hermit, living in my sweats and sipping decaf all day. So you see...the month is slipping away. What have I got done?...NOTHING!

I should be listening to Christmas music, baking cookies, wrapping presents, trimming the tree, hanging stockings, lighting the fire in the fireplace...okay, we don't have a fireplace...but that sounds nice. I should be dancing around with a huge smile enjoying the wonderful spirit that Christmas brings. Because honestly...I LOVE Christmas!!! I love this time of year!!! But these past two years I feel like I'm drowning! I can't think of any good gifts, I stress about it more than I should, and I procrastinate like you wouldn't believe. Why?! Why do I do this?! I have got to get my act together!

So, starting this Saturday I'm getting myself in gear. We're getting a tree, decorating the house, and I've told Ryan I need part of that day for shopping. So Christmas spirit, here I come!!

1 comment:

  1. We'd like to mail some Christmas spirit to you...but I dont think we have your mailing address...can you send it my way?
