Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Here we go again...

I know that I've been neglecting the blog lately. It seems any time that I'm online I'm searching for gifts...frantically. I'm doing pretty good with family members, it's the kids that I'm having issues with. I'm desperately trying to find a horse stable set for Haley. I've bought one, but may return it (this will be the third one that I've returned). I read really bad reviews on it. So the search continues. And I still have to get some stuff for Morgan. This will be the first Christmas we celebrate at home, our home...and I desperately want it to be a good one for them.

On another note...Haley's sick tonight. Her turn to vomit all night long. I can't believe this...I can't believe that this entire Winter has been surrounded by illness. I'm so tired of it. It's been TWO weeks since Morgan was sick...why now...I thought we were in the clear. What about Christmas?! It's next week! I don't want Ryan or I sick for Christmas! And what about our trip to CA?! More paranoia...more worry...more sleepless nights.

Haley's Christmas party is tomorrow. I was supposed to go and help out...I was going to read a Christmas story to the class. Haley was so excited about it. I'm so bummed. I'm bummed that she's going to miss out on it when she's been so thrilled all week.

I'll be glad when Winter is over.

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