Friday, January 8, 2010

25 Weeks

I had my sixth month check-up yesterday and everything looked good. In a couple of weeks I'll have to go in for my glucose test and get my rogam shot. I'm A- blood type, so my blood is not compatible with my baby's blood (that is, only if she's Rh positive, which most likely she is). The shot will prevent my body from making antibodies that could attack my baby's blood.

Being Rh incompatible doesn't harm the baby during your first pregnancy. It isn't until your blood mixes with baby's (usually during labor) that you become "Rh sensitized" and the next time your pregnant with Rh positive baby, your antibodies will attack the baby's blood. This would cause a severely anemic baby or even a still birth.

There's your health lesson for the day!

So, I'm very thankful I live in this time period where doctors are aware of this issue with us Rh negative women!

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