Saturday, January 9, 2010

Oil Balls anyone?

This week Jeff's girlfriend, Jen, has been in town. She goes to school in San Diego, so they don't get to see each other very often during the school it's nice that she got a chance to come out for a visit. Especially since Jeff wasn't able to go home for Christmas. Now that he's working as a ski instructor at Sundance he had to work every day during his break.

Jen loves to bake, so when she's around we are never low on sweets in the house! Yesterday she tackled Oliebollens, an authentic Dutch treat...sort of like a donut, but with raisins and apples in them. Oliebollens translates to Oil doesn't that sound scrumptious! My Grandmother, being Dutch, makes them every year for New Year's. We sure do love eating them, but I've never tried to make them. So Jen gave them a go...and I must say, they turned out very yummy! Anything that requires a deep frier has got to be good...right?

Morgan has been having a lot of issues sleeping lately. Mainly she wakes up scared, or has a bad dream. Sometimes I can get her to go back to sleep, and other times she winds up in our bed. In any case, the other night around 2:00 in the morning she wakes up, and I hear her calling for me. I thought I would be going in there to comfort her because of another bad dream. Groggy, my eyes nearly closed, I sit beside her. Morgan also half asleep leans over to me, and in a half whisper she says, "Mommy, I just wanted to say that your hair looks just like Ariel's." Thanks might have waited to tell me in the morning, but whatever.
Goofy picture that Haley took.
I think it sums up this household pretty well...complete looney bin!

1 comment:

  1. That is cute! Funny- Jordis has been going through the nightmare stage as well.
