Monday, January 25, 2010

Spotlight Week for Haley

Not much to report for the weekend...pretty low key. We finally got some snow Friday night. Saturday morning both girls had their snow clothes on over their jammies, skipped breakfast, and were out there playing in it by 8:00 in the morning! Later that day we took them sledding at a local park with a huge hill. Funny, Morgan was the one who was more into it. She wasn't scared a bit sledding down pretty steep hills all by herself. Too bad I forgot my camera. Haley was much more tentative. Perhaps that has something to do with some bad spills on icy slopes last year...she has a very good memory! We kept encouraging her, and she finally mastered it by the time we left. Now, we just have to get them to master climbing back up the hill while pulling up their sled at the same time. Ryan did a lot of back and forth helping them up or retrieving a sled.

So last night after watching a couple of episodes of Season 2 Mad Men (my new favorite show) we went to was around 10:30 or so. It was then that I remembered that Haley has Spotlight this week in her Kindergarten class!!!! I can't believe I forgot!!! She's supposed to bring in a poster board full of pictures of herself to share Monday morning! So Ryan and I leap out of bed scouring the house for some kind of poster board to use in a pinch...of course we couldn't find a thing. Note to self: Always have poster board on hand!! Ryan decided that he would get up first thing and buy some poster board, and in the meantime I could get everything ready to put on it. So here it is, 11:00 at night, I'm exhausted...but none the less, I'm sitting at the computer printing up as many pictures I can find. Because my little girl will NOT go to school without her poster!!! I don't want to be classified as a bad mom who...gasp...FORGOT!!

So anyway this morning, Ryan (the hero), finds the poster board first thing in the morning...he has it back home by 7:00 so I can start assembling it. I whip that thing out in an hour...I'm pretty proud, because it looked pretty dang good for being last minute! My counter is still full of scissors, glue sticks, scrap paper, markers and stickers...gotta get that cleaned up sometime. I drove her to class...poster in hand...ON TIME!!! Yay for me, and Ryan of course!! As I was walking her into her classroom I felt like I should have some kind of applause or something. I must have had a huge cheesy grin, like, "Look at me! Here I am! I'm on time...and my daughter has her poster! Look how good it is!!". But no...just a class full of little kids doing their thing. Oh well.

Now...I can't forget...she has to bring in her favorite snack for the class on Thursday...can't forget!!

1 comment:

  1. Well at least you pulled it off in an hour. My non-artsy self is personally dreading that project!
