Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Jeffy Boy!
We started the festivities off this morning...the girls and I woke him up around 7:15 this morning singing Happy Birthday and presented him with a homemade danish complete with candle. This is something my mom did for us growing up every year...a tradition that I want to keep up in this house. Not that it has to be something homemade...a bagel, pancakes...anything will do in a pinch. It's the thought that counts. Although, I haven't been able to do to the girls because they always get up before us...I'm sure that won't last forever. Anyway, last year for Jeff's Birthday I forgot to present him with a Birthday breakfast treat. I will never live that down...I still feel so bad about it. So there was no way I would let that slide again! It was kinda funny because the room was dark (obviously...he was sleeping) when we came in singing. The only light came from the candle. And his room wasn't the the cleanest at the moment. So the girls had a little trouble walking to the bed, they kept tripping on random things...shoes, ski boots, backpack, books. They would be singing "Happy Birthday to...(trip) Umphf, ouch...You! Happy...(trip) Ahh, ouch...Birthday to You!". Ahhh, good times.
I think we'll be going out for burgers (his request) tonight, and then have a family party on the weekend with the cake. Another excuse to pig out...which I might add, I have been doing a lot of lately!


  1. I am feeling really lonely living by myself as I read this. . .

  2. I'm sure Jeff is envious. With all the racket the girls create in this house and the fact that he only has a closet of a room to escape to...I'm sure he would like some alone time!
