Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What a morning...

Ryan got up super early to ride rollers before he headed out for work. I realized this morning that when he rides rollers in the garage a lamp in our bedroom vibrates and rattles...weird. I hadn't noticed that before. Anyway, so I finally roll out of bed around 6:30...that's about the time Ryan is eating his breakfast and just about to leave for the day. He's all flustered. He had spilled a bottle of vegetable oil on the floor. He did his best to clean it up...but come's vegetable's going to take more than paper towels to clean that up! And then to make matters worse the coffee maker is broken. Good morning...NOT! Plus, I'm starving, but I can't eat because I have to go in for my glucose test after I take Haley to school...I needed to fast. Let me just say, fasting and pregnant DO NOT MIX!! So anyway, when Ryan leaves for work I like to stand at the doorway from the kitchen to the garage. I wave goodbye as he backs out, then shut the big garage door before going back inside. So I'm standing in the garage with the kitchen door, closed, at my back...waving. I hear this fast paced pitter patter of feet running through the house, and then this HUGE crash into the door behind me! I quickly open the door, and there's Haley laying on the floor in a heap. She had just woke up and heard Ryan leaving, she didn't want to miss him, so in her hurry to get to the door in time to wave to Ryan she slid out on the newly greased (with vegetable oil) floor and crashed into the door. Poor thing. However, she did manage to jump up in time to wave to Ryan before he pulled away in the car. So we have a major hazard in our kitchen right now, as I also managed to slip later in the morning. So I guess I'll be mopping today.

So my glucose test went well...other than the fact that I was STARVING!! I got out of there around 10:30. As I was driving home all I could think about was the left over danishes that I made for Jeff's birthday and how badly I wanted one. I knew Jeff had left for school while I was gone and I panicked when it occurred to me that he may have eaten all of it before he left. I forgot to take a piece out before I left to hide somewhere so I would be guaranteed to have one!The thought of all of it being gone nearly brought tears to my eyes...I wanted a danish!!! Luckily, to my relief, there was some left. I devoured it...licking the plate clean.


  1. Reminds me of this time I was pregnant with Brandon. I got home from work one night and was starving in that way only a pregnant woman is. I was salivating at the thought of this spinach dip I had leftover in the fridge - I couldn't wait to snack on spinach dip with pita chips while I waited for Chad to get home and figure out a real meal. Anyway, I grab the glass bowl with the dip in it from the fridge, and it slips in my fingers and falls to the tiled floor - spraying glass and dip everywhere!! I swear, I stared at the floor and cabinets for about two minutes trying to figure out if there was a way to salvage some of the dip without eating glass. It was heart-breaking. So, I was left still hungry, but also with a big mess to clean up. And still craving spinach dip. The memory still hurts.

  2. Oh...what a nightmare!! Pretty funny though.

  3. danish with no coffee, a damn shame

  4. Weeeeeelllll...I did stop by Starbucks on the way home.

    Weak moment.
