Monday, February 1, 2010

On my mind...

It's been a little while since I blogged last. Actually there's been a bit on my mind, but I just haven't been able to really sit down and put it into words. But after years of journaling I know I always feel better having gotten it all out.

It's amazing how as has my children grow it just doesn't get any easier. The things that used to be challenging: sleep routines, potty training, nursing schedules, crying, crying, and crying (you and child) so on and so on...those things are no longer problems but instead you get a whole new set of things to deal with. School issues, being one that I'm struggling with at the moment. My heart still aches every time Haley gets on the bus for school every morning...I'm not sure if that will ever go away. But any time I'm away from my children a little piece of me is missing. I know that sounds corny and slightly gaggy, but it's true! I know I have to let go and let her learn things on her own...easier said than done.

Does her teacher love my child the way I do? Does she accept all of Haley's little quirky behaviors? Does she appreciate her wonderful imagination? How she has such a gift at story telling? Her love for the outdoors? How she has the ability to entertain herself, and doesn't have to rely on others? How fragile and sensitive she can be?

And can she accept her stubborn, and independent ways that I know can be challenging at times. Does her teacher know how to adapt her classroom management routines to meet the needs of every child. I work hard at home to maintain control and create incentives that work for my children to make the day go smoother...does her teacher? Will her teachers work with me, and not against me? Will they take (what I think are blessings) her imagination, and adventurous spirit and call them her faults? So many things run through my mind. Haley is such a wonderful little girl! Full of life and curiosity...I just don't want her precious little spirit to be hurt...especially by a teacher. She loves going to school everyday, I want it to stay that way as long as possible!

This is just the beginning, her first year. A teacher can either make or break a child's year. I'm realizing now, more than ever, how important a teacher's role is in a child's life.

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