Thursday, February 4, 2010


...I think I'm getting it. I think I'm finally finding a routine that works! I've been really trying hard to keep to the incentive charts I created for the girls and stick to some kind of structure in the afternoon. Not that every day is wonderful...I wish I could say that!! Of course there are still those days that nothing gets done, routine/structure is hopeless, and I'm basically running around like a crazy lady pulling out my hair. But, I'm it my New Year's Resolution: Keeping to a Schedule! (yes, I know it's February, but better late than never!).

Funny because I'm finally finding some type of routine, just to have a baby in a couple of months, which will basically turn my world upside down. And then what? Another 3-5 years to find a routine that works?! It never ends!

Speaking of babies...I had my 30 week check-up this morning. I know, 30 WEEKS!! I even asked the doctor again, "What? How many weeks am I? Did you say 30?!". Terrible I know, I should be keeping better track of this pregnancy! I have to say, when he said 30 weeks, all I could think of was "I'm not ready!!!". Oh my...this baby is going to rock our world!

I have my follow-up ultrasound tomorrow morning to check the status of the cysts that were found in the baby's brain at 20 weeks. The doctor assures me that everything will be fine, but I can't relax until I know for sure. So of course I'm extremely nervous for tomorrow, but anxious as well.

Send good thoughts!

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