Friday, February 5, 2010

My little bun in the oven.

I had my follow-up ultrasound this morning and I'm happy to report that we are having a healthy baby girl!! No trace of the cysts were found and everything looks great! What a relief!! I'm just so happy!!

As soon as the tech/nurse started to look at what I thought was the brain, I asked her how it looked, I just couldn't wait any longer! She was like, "Oh, this isn't the's your cervix." My CERVIX...lady, look at the baby's brain!! I need to know NOW! Okay, I wasn't like that...I was patient. But I don't think I would make a good ultrasound tech. all looks the same to me. So eventually she got to the brain, and sure enough the cysts absorbed away. That didn't stop me from asking more than once, "Are you sure?". I guess I won't be completely at peace until I'm holding her in my arms.

And let me just add that Morgan did a fantastic job during all patient. I was so excited about the good news that Morgan and I went out for treats and then to the play area at the mall. The whole time I was sporting a huge grin from ear to ear!


  1. Yay!! What a relief that must've been. You look great btw, I'm jealous!

  2. Congrats on the clean bill of health. That is really good news.

  3. SO glad she is healthy! Not much longer to go!
