Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Bowl

So as you know yesterday was the Super Bowl. I'm not a big football fan, in fact, it wasn't until about two days before the game I even knew who was playing. But any excuse to eat junk food I'm up for it!! Plus, it made for a very relaxing afternoon/evening.

I included a picture of Jeffy and the girls watching the game. Jeff was just lying there by himself and the girls kept inching closer and closer to him, until finally he was swarmed. Jeff doesn't look at all uncomfortable...ha ha.

We've been having such nice weather lately, it's making me get excited for Spring! The other day it must have in the low 50's!! Ryan even took the girls out for a ride in the trailer...and I of course LOVED having the empty house for a couple of hours!

I hope we're going to have an early Spring...Please!

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