Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rainy Day at Home

Yesterday, being a Holiday and all, Haley had off of school. However, Ryan did not...bummer. All for the best I guess, it turned out to be a very wet, rainy day. But anyway, I was reading my sister-in-law's blog and she was saying how her and her two boys were having PJ day at their house. It was about 11:00 when I was reading it...I looked down...yep, I was still in my jammies. I looked over at my girls playing...yep, they were still in their jammies. So I officially named yesterday as a jammie day! Gotta say...it was pretty nice and cozy! And for some reason I felt less guilty doing it knowing that across the country in Boston my sister-in-law was doing the exact same thing!!

In the afternoon I finally got them started their own scrapbooks, something I've been wanting to do forever!

I think they turned out pretty well!

Some of Morgan's pages. I helped her a little with the cutting.

Haley's work.

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