Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Moment of Weakness

I had a moment of weakness yesterday.

The girls completed their sticker charts, which is not that easy. They need 30 stickers to fill the chart, and I'm pretty picky on how they earn them. However, I was very impressed (especially with Haley) on how motivated they were and how hard they worked to earn them. So anyway, after lunch it was off to the store to let each of them pick out their prize.

Before going into the store I told them that the prize they picked out had to be $10 or under! So they're both going up and down the isles examining each toy. Haley found a HUGE horse that pulled a little sleigh, "Is this $10?!!!". ", Haley...that says $100...try again." Finally they come racing to me, each of them holding a package with a plastic horse inside. "Is this $10?!!!!" I look at the price...$12.99. Well...I guess I could go over $10 just a little I thought. Then I looked closer at the horse and realized that it was the horse that goes with a Rainbow Brite doll. I perked up...Rainbow Brite!!! I had a Rainbow Brite when I was a kid!!! I loved Rainbow Brite!!! So, immediately I start scanning the shelves for the matching doll! I find it! The girls go crazy! "Oh, mom!! Can we get these...PLEASE!!!! They are soooooooo beautiful!!!!". I look at the price of the doll...$12.99. Both Haley and Morgan now each have a horse and a doll tucked under each arm...pure excitement on their faces. I stood there for several minutes debating on what to do. Hmmmm, that's $26 each...over $50 total...what about my $10 rule? But then, I can't just get the horse without it's matching rider!! Plus, I had one too as a child...I started to get a bit nostalgic standing there.

I caved. I told them they better love these toys forever because they were waaaaay over the budget I set. As we're standing in line to make the purchase, Haley kept kissing my belly, "Thank you soooo much mommy, I love my new toys...I just LOVE them!!!". And do they ever! They played with them all afternoon!

When Ryan came home they ran to him showing him their prizes, "Look Daddy, Look at what we won!!!". As Ryan is looking them over saying how proud he is of them, Morgan says, "Yeah daddy, and they were really really expensive!".

Thanks Morgan.

Well, Ryan should consider himself lucky. On the way out of the store I saw a Peaches and Cream Barbie from 1985...the exact same one that I had as a child!! It was $50. Tempting.


  1. man, I wish my mom had let me buy whatever toy i wanted. My childhood would have been as good as Haley and Morgan's

  2. We don't buy them every toy they want, nor could we if we chose to.

  3. Yes, lets make that very clear! I rarely buy them things, unless it's Christmas or Birthdays. So that was a VERY special day!

  4. Your Rainbow doll and her horse are zipped up in their house and ready to come to Provo. Now what am I going do with them? I remember having moments of weakness. I also remember times of not being able to walk across android's room without stepping on a toy.I'm just saying:)

  5. You saw Peaches and Cream Barbie! Man, I wish I would have kept the one I had in the 80's. I am so glad they are bringing all of the good toys back!
