Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Time for a post.

Wow, I can't believe it's been nearly a week since my last post! Where has all the time gone?

I survived the weekend...Ryan was in Minnesota Friday through Sunday. When Ryan is away, it's nice that my brother is here. It keeps me from completely schlumping it everyday...I'm proud to say that we did not have cereal for dinner once while Ryan was gone! Jeff works on the weekends so I know he appreciates a good meal for dinner when he comes home. Although, he probably wouldn't care if dinner was cereal...he could live off that stuff!

Not sure if anyone notices the pregnancy ticker on my blog...well, time is just ticking away on it. There is soooo much I want to get done before this baby comes. Cleaning, painting, organizing...more cleaning. I need to dig up the bins with all the old baby clothes and start doing inventory on what I have. I have to figure out a place to put those clothes. I have to hunt down my old crib...that's probably pretty important to have. Not sure where any of this will go...I have to figure that out too. Also, a name for this kid would be good. So anyway, yeah...lots to do. Maybe I'll get started some day.

I also have to figure out where I'm even delivering this baby...that's probably pretty important too! My doctor, and several other doctors that I checked into, will not perform a V-back (a vaginal delivery after a C-Section) at my hospital. The hospital requires that my doctor be there for the entire labor, which could be hours...and no doctor will do that. So, I'm left with the option of going to another hospital and paying more (my insurance won't cover the same) or scheduling a C-Section at my hospital and paying much less. Having had both, a vaginal delivery and a C-Section, recovery is a lot easier with a vaginal delivery. And the fact that I have two other kids to run after...yeah, I do NOT want a C-Section! I realize that I really don't have any control over the matter, bottom line, the baby has final say. But she better be not be BREECH!! She's already head down...she better stay that way! So anyway, we'll see.

Well, this post is going no where...just a lot rambling. Best get on with the day!

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