Thursday, February 25, 2010

Walk Down Memory Lane

In my last post I did a lot complaining about things that still need to get done before our little one arrives. Don't get me wrong...yes, I'm a bit overwhelmed...but we are thrilled to pieces to meet this little baby girl! She is constantly moving around, contorting my belly every which way. Morgan and I were waiting to see my doctor the other week. To past the time Morgan put her little toy sheep on my belly, it didn't take long for it to wiggle around and the sheep would fly off. Pure entertainment for a three year old!

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared about having baby number three. When I was pregnant with the first I had no idea what I was getting myself into, so I went through that pregnancy completely oblivious, but excited none the less. With number two, I was still in baby mode, Haley had just turned one when I got pregnant. I think the only thing we had to pull out of storage was the infant carrier...other than that, we were ready to go! Now with number three, I've had a little got a little more comfortable. No cribs, no highchairs, no diapers, no baby food, little spoons, bibs, burp clothes, diaper bags, napping schedules, baby toys, swings, play pens, and there was no more cleaning up the Tupperware cabinet, towel drawer, and bookshelves 100 times a day from a little terror on all fours! So yes, a little scary to step out of my comfort zone and start over. But really, that's all pettily compared to the joys another baby will bring to this house! I really can't wait! I can't wait to cuddle with a new baby. I can't wait to pull out the little jammies with footies on them to put on her...all cozy! I can't wait to see Morgan as a big sister. And I just love the fact that our family is growing!

There's nothing like taking a walk down memory lane to get me excited for our new addition!

Haley about a week old.

Haley about 5 months old. Yes, she is taking a bath
in a dish pan.

Haley loved to sit on her Leapfrog and read
her books.

Morgan about a week old.

Morgan four months old.

The girls were playing in a huge box, it
entertained them forever!

They loved their little pool!
So bring it on!! I may not have a crib set up or baby clothes neatly folded in drawers...but I'm excited for this new adventure!!