Saturday, February 27, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Actually my Birthday was yesterday. It turned out to be very beautiful! The weather was very pleasant, low fifties...oh, glorious Spring, you're right around the corner...I can't wait!! I had all these plans to take the girls out to a park or something in the afternoon, but they were playing so nicely in the front yard all afternoon I decided to just chill at home. It was a very relaxing day! I made some BBQ chicken pizza for dinner and Ryan brought home a cake for me. Pizza, Cake, Olympics on TV...perfect evening at home!

To continue the festivities we decided to spend the day in Salt Lake. We went to breakfast (my favorite meal to go out for) at the Park Cafe. This has now become my new favorite breakfast spot!! It's a cute little place right beside Liberty Park. After we gorged ourselves ( out when I'm pregnant...I can really put it away) we took a stroll through Liberty Park. park ever!! How is it that we've never gone to these two places after living here for 6 years?!

This next picture of Ryan and I was taken by Haley...can you believe it?! What a great picture! And she wasn't even trying. She held up the camera for literally 3 seconds and snapped the shot and I think she was looking the other way the whole time. Crazy.

After Liberty Park we took the girls to the Discovery Gateway, a children's science museum. Very fun, the girls loved it! On the way home, Morgan was asleep by the time we left the parking garage...Haley was shortly after. I'm not suprised, they were on the go all day!
I really needed a day like was perfect!
Now...leftover pizza, more cake and then some Olympics! Happy Birthday to Me!!

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