Monday, March 1, 2010

33 Weeks

I can't believe that next month we will have a little baby in this house! Time is going so quickly! This little baby moves so much more than my first two. Sometimes she pushes so hard it feels as though a little foot is going to break through my skin (I know, kinda gross...but that's what it feels like). I'm kinda looking forward to my ninth month just so she'll be so squished in there...maybe she won't be able to do her bicycle kicks on me as easily.

I do look forward to not being pregnant though. It's starting to get a bit uncomfortable. There are so many things I look forward to. I look forward to being able to change sleeping positions in under five minutes. Sleeping on my stomach...oh, how I've missed that! Not having to go to the bathroom constantly throughout the day. Changing the girls' sheets on their bunk beds without feeling like a just ran a marathon after...or scared that I'd get stuck on the top bunk and have to lay there like beached whale. Putting on tights with ease...let me tell ya, I've never enjoyed putting on tights in front of anyone (Ryan), it's just not a very sexy task (I think)...but to do it eight months's definitely a private matter! Clipping my toenails...shaving my legs...taking a deep breath...a day without heartburn...well, I think you get the idea.

In any case...33's getting close now.

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