Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Morgan's turn to hit the slopes.

The weather has been so nice these past couple of days...in the 50's!! So last night we took advantage of the warmer temps and had Morgan take her turn at skiing. As soon as Ryan got home from work we scarfed down some dinner and headed up to Sundance. Haley and I went along too to cheer her on. Morgan was so excited! And I must say she did great for her first time!
Does this little girl look excited to ski, or what?!

I have to hand it to Ryan...having to be in the bent down position to hold Morgan up for extended periods of time has got to be hard for a tall guy! He would let her go when they neared to bottom of the bunny run and she would just fly down...she hasn't got the whole snow plow idea yet to slow herself down. I would have to catch her or she would probably run off into a ditch or something! But she didn't have much fear at all...kinda different from Haley. Morgan insisted that she go on the big lift! So right before we left Ryan took her up...and apparently she had a ball! So proud! Hopefully we'll be able to get them out a few more times before they close. Maybe next year we'll invest in some ski gear for them!

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