Thursday, March 4, 2010


I had my 34 week check-up this morning. The doctor took the B-strep culture, or whatever it's called...checking for a particular bacteria or something...very routine. Anyway, I asked if he was going to check me to see if anything is going on down know, if I'm dilating or anything. He said he wasn't going to, but would if I wanted him to. I was like...well, since I'm undressed and all, you might as well! Morgan was with me, kinda awkward. She kept trying to see what the doctor was doing...and...well, it's kinda hard to grab her when I'm all layed out on the table. Luckily the nurse kept her corralled by my head. Thank you nurse, you saved my daughter from being permanently traumatized for the rest of her life! So anyway, back to this thrilling exam. Turns out, I'm 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I think it mostly means that I get to walk around uncomfortable longer. Although, the doctor is predicting I'll go early. We'll see, I was dilated to a 3 the entire last month with Morgan, and she was you never know!

I can definitely feel that this baby has dropped down. The pressure down there has really seems to get worse for every pregnancy. I have to be careful...I don't want to get the pregnancy waddle. But sometimes it's hard to avoid when you have a bowling ball between your legs!

1 comment:

  1. Your pregnancy has gone by so fast! (for me at least, but probably not for you) :)
