Friday, March 5, 2010

Attitude adjustment...

...I'm in serious need of one! I woke up cranky. Maybe it was the five inches of snow outside that greeted me, and the fact that it was still coming down hard. I'll just blame it on that. That would make anyone cranky...seeing snow in March and April...I hate it! My backyard was just starting to dry out and the lawn was coming back. Now, we're back to the mud pit and muddy dogs. And, to add to the mud, now both dogs are in heat...yes, lovely.

I'm full of complaints today.

At least the sun is out now, and it's surprisingly warm! The girls are outside playing with just jeans, long sleeve t-shirts and snow boots. I think they're playing in the gutter...that's nice, and clean. I think Haley is collecting the worms from the gutter....ahhh, good times. They ran inside a minute ago and grabbed a couple of plastic bowls to puts rocks from the gutter of course. Why is the gutter so fascinating for kids...okay, my kids?!

One good thing about this time of year with the warmer temps...the kids are out and about in the neighborhood! I love it! I'll send my girls out to play and within minutes there will be several other kids playing in our front yard. And, I love the fact that I know every child that comes around I know, and I know their parents...very well. I love that! Right now the little girl from across the street is playing with my girls. I wonder what she thinks of my girls playing in the gutter? Oh well, they're having fun, and that's what matters.

Anyway, I'm glad it's Friday. Tomorrow I'm taking the girls to a Fairy Tea Party hosted by the local library. They get to dress up as fairies and boy, are they excited! And then of course the Academy Awards are on Sunday. I haven't seen one movie that's up for awards, but you know, it's still fun to watch. Another excuse to eat junk food and sweets...I'm all over it!'s to a fun weekend! No more bad attitude!

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