Friday, March 19, 2010

Doctors or No Doctors

I never know what to do when one of my kids get sick. Meaning, are they sick enough for a doctor's visit or not. I agonize over this. I don't want to pay a $20 co-pay just to be told to "keep an eye on her", or "give her lots of fluids", or something else I already know. But of course I don't want it to be something serious and I don't take her in just because I want to save $20...what kind of mother is that?! So, I spend my entire day deciding on what to do, nothing else gets done. Dinner, laundry, cleaning, taking care of the dogs, errands, everything goes to the wayside while I take care of and cuddle my little sickie. I ended up making an appointment yesterday afternoon, just to cancel it fifteen minutes before it. Morgan was sleeping! I couldn't bare to wake her up! Terrible?...maybe. I decided that if she had a fever in the morning I'd take her in. Well, this morning she had a four. I took her in.

Because she had a lung infection in the Fall, they thought it would be a good idea to X-Ray her lungs to rule that out. Well, after three hours of running and waiting around at the doctor's office and then at the hospital, oh and a quick stop at McDonald's in there (it was out of desperation) we made it home. Results: lungs are fine. Apparently she has a virus. The nurse says to me over the phone, "Just keep an eye on her and make sure she gets lots of fluids." Thanks...

Don't get me wrong...I'm very relieved that my little Morgie doesn't have anything serious. I'm more than happy to giver her more cuddles.

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