Thursday, March 18, 2010

Nice Temps...Rough Week

I'm loving this Spring weather! Unfortunately, it hasn't been the best week ever.

Let's see...I guess I'll start with my St. Patrick's Day dinner flop. I had it all planned out, Irish Stew for dinner and green cake for dessert (a tradition that I started last year). My kids have been a little under the weather this week...on and off again fevers with cold symptoms. But yesterday morning Haley seemed fine, so I sent her off to school. Morgan had a little temp. but I reeeally needed to get to the store to get the stuff for dinner. So gave her some meds and she was good to go. But unfortunately they didn't have the crucial ingredient that I needed for the stew...LAMB. I didn't have time to go anywhere else since Haley's bus was going to be back. Okay, scratch the Irish Stew, we'll have to settle on pulled beef sandwiches with strawberry spinach salad...I know, not very Irish. But I was still going to have a green cake!

Later that day Morgan's fever jumped up and then Haley decided she didn't want to be left out and came down with a fever as well. Movie time! While they cozied up with a blanket and watched a movie I started on the green cake. I decided to make a new recipe of vanilla cupcakes and just dye the frosting green. Honest, I followed the recipe, but everything was going wrong! The batter looked like play-doe that had been left out for a day...DRY...and not at all "batter" like. So I added a little more oil, and a little bit of this and a little bit of that, trying my best to salvage what I had. It thinned out slightly, but I still had to scoop the "batter" into the cupcakes liners as if it was cookie dough...whatever. Luckily they came out looking more or less like cupcakes. On to the frosting. Long story short: I started a fire in the microwave trying to melt chocolate, I put in waaaaay too much butter, I didn't cream the ingredients right and it came out lumpy. I tried to add a little bit of this and a little bit of that to make it work...but it didn't...I ended up with green slime...which wouldn't have been that bad if it at least it tasted didn't. No green dessert. Just weird looking cupcakes, with a not-at-all Irish dinner. And I never did get to my Leprechaun scavenger hunt I planned for the kids.

*sigh* I guess I can't win them all.

Now, this morning...Haley woke up feeling great and went to school. Morgan on the other hand, not so much. She had a temp of 102.9 before bed. So basically I worried all night, I'd check on her constantly, take her temp, give medicine, lay with was loooong night. She woke up with a low temp and looking awful! She ended up throwing up twice, water mostly. I think it may be a gagging reflex with her cough...not sure...but, definitely not good. She's taking a little nap on the living room floor right now. And I have hunch, there's going to be much TV and cuddling time today. My little Morgie, she always gets hit the hardest when illness runs through the house. And here I thought we were done with all the sickies!

1 comment:

  1. I give you major points for even planning an Irish-themed dinner, let alone a leprechaun scavenger hunt. St. Patty's Day went unacknowledged around our house.

    Hope the girls feel better soon! The flu seems to be making the rounds again.
