Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Missing Jeffy

Yesterday afternoon the girls and I took Jeff to the airport. He's spending his Spring break back home in Long Beach. We hung out with him while he was getting his boarding pass and then said goodbye to him before he went through security. At the Salt Lake airport they have a balcony that overlooks the security line, so the girls and I waited up there to watch him walk through the line and every now and then he looked up at us we'd wave. And then finally right before he went out of sight, one last wave...I know, I'm a little dorky...but he amused the three of us and waved back, even if he did think we were dorks. On the way back to the car Haley was a little quiet. I asked if she was alright and she immediately burst into tears. "I don't want Jeffy to leave! He needs to stay with US! I'm going to miss him so much!" You wouldn't think Jeff has had that big of an impact on the girls...but he does...more than he thinks! She calmed down on the way home after I assured her that he would be back in a week. We are all are going to miss our Jeffy!

Jeff took his bike with him, so we had to take his Suburban to the airport to fit everything. Which meant, I had to drive it home. Love it! It's like driving a tank! I can't wait until we get a big family car...which hopefully will be sooner than later!

In other news, we've been having such nice weather! Yesterday afternoon I was able to leave the back door open while I folded clothes. The girls were playing out back and the dogs could come in and out as they pleased. This time of year is so nice because there aren't any flys to get into the house...love that! And our backyard is drying up, yay! No more mud pit!

But with all this nice weather, something has to go wrong. Morgan woke up with a fever this morning. Not sure what's that about. So we'll have to take it easy today and stay home. We'll still have to soak in that sun though...gotta get our hit of Vitamin D!

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