Monday, March 22, 2010

Morgan Update six. It was low grade and I thought she would snap out of it, so I opted not to get her blood checked. Well, her fever spiked over 102 in the late afternoon. Devastated. Decided to get her blood tested Monday morning...first thing.

Monday...Day seven with a fever. Ryan came with me to the hospital for Morgan's blood work. I figured they would need Morgan to sit on someones lap to help restrain her. And since I don't have any lap to speak of at this point, I needed his. I took Haley with me to wait in the lobby while Ryan stayed with Morgan. I didn't want Haley to get upset watching. I was so so nervous for Morgan and scared...I cried while I waited...I know, my emotions are totally out of control right now. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for them to come out of the lab. I pictured Ryan holding Morgan, and Morgan crying uncontrollably with a look on her face that said, "How could you do that to me?!! WHY would you hurt me like that?!". But surprise, surprise, they came out all smiles! Morgan got a big a sticker, and she was super excited about her cool little bandage on her hand. Ryan said she didn't even make a peep! Wow! She's definitely braver than me! I feel faint just looking at a needle! And yes, I know, I'm having a baby in less than a month...I'll have to face all my hospital fears very soon. But anyway, I was so glad Morgan wasn't completely traumatized like I thought she would be! Yay, for Morgie!

She's still had a fever today, but pretty low. And as far as her blood results go...they couldn't find any major problems. They did notice that her inflammatory levels (not sure that's the right term) were elevated. So bottom line...if she still has a fever tomorrow morning I have to bring her back in to get her lungs checked case of pneumonia. She went to bed with a temp of 99.6...not much, but we'll see happens over night. I want my healthy Morgie back!!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is starting to sound like "Little Women."

    But seriously I hope Morgan is feeling better.
