Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Not out of the woods yet.

I thought we were in the clear, Morgan didn't have a fever for over a 24 hour period. However, by yesterday late afternoon it returned. We're devastated yet again. How can this be?! I took her to the after hours care...the earliest I could get in was 8:00 that night. I need answers! I'm supposed to protect her...I supposed to make everything better! I feel absolutely helpless with this one!

As we're waiting for the doctor, Morgan is nearly asleep on my lap, and she says to me, "Mommy, can eating leaves make you sick?". "No", I say. "Why, did you eat a leaf?". In a small voice she answers, "Yeah." (I'm sure she didn't actually eat a leaf, but I wouldn't be surprised if she put it in her mouth). I thought of all the times I've told the girls to keep things out of their mouths because "it will make you sick." I use that phrase A LOT! "Stay out of the gutter!! It will make you sick!"..."Don't put that in you mouth, it will make you sick!!"..."Wash your hands! Or you will get sick!" So now, my poor little Morgie is probably going back thinking of all the things she did that may have gotten her sick. I assured her it was NOTHING that she did that made her sick. I'll try not to use that phrase so much...I certainly don't want my kids to be paranoid!

So, basically the doctors are baffled. They don't know what's causing her fever other than a viral respiratory infection. There are no red flags that indicate a major problem with the tests they've done so far. So, again, we wait. If she still has a fever on Thursday, I need to take her back in again and she'll most likely have to go through a series of tests...again. I really hope it doesn't come to that. I've gotten to a point now that I'm terrified to take her temperature...I'm scared at what I might see.

In the meantime...I'm surprised that baby number three hasn't fallen out of me yet. I'm dilated to nearly 3 cm, and I'm 75% effaced. And despite, I'm not in labor yet. I guess some people thought I was from Ryan's update on his blog. Hopefully, the baby will wait until the house is healthy before making her appearance...that would be nice.

Also, good doctor as told me that he is willing to deliver my baby at MY hospital!! I nearly broke into tears when he told me that! However, if I go into labor Easter weekend, he wouldn't be able to (he is not on call that weekend)...I would have to pay more and go to the bigger hospital. So...Little Baby number three...DO NOT decide to come Easter weekend!!! You have many other days to choose from...just NOT those two days!! Got it?! Although if I had to guess, I'm thinking this baby is coming before Easter...but that's just my opinion.


  1. Oh! have the darn thing!

    It's all the rage. Ryan told me, he thought you were Hogging the new baby!(joke)

    I think I started some of those rumors.

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