Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Look Back

First of all, let me just say that Morgan does NOT have a fever this morning!!! In fact she didn't have a fever all day yesterday either...I'm so excited! I think my Morga Muffin is on the road to recovery! Yay!

I thought I'd post some pictures of my growing belly. I had Ryan take my picture the other night to make sure we captured the ninth month, I didn't want to pop before I documented it. So if I make it closer to 40 weeks (which I doubt) I'll have to post another.

Anyway, here we go.

3 Months
Don't you just want to smack the woman in this photo?!
3 months pregnant and sporting a little thin body...ugh!! Oh little skinny
body, I miss you...will I ever see you again?!

Almost 20 weeks...the half way point.

25 Weeks/6 Months

33 Weeks/ 8 Months

37 Weeks/ 9 Months
Ready to pop!
Apparently some people are making predictions on when they think I'll go into labor...the babypool on Twitter. I'm not on Twitter, but I'll go ahead and make my prediction...I can make my own prediction right?! I'm gonna say...Wednesday, March 31. But I would really like it if she's born on April 2. Oh wait...then I'd miss Easter with my family. I take it back, I would like to have this baby the Monday after Easter...April 5th! Yeah...April 5th...perfect! I definitely don't want an April Fools baby. Have I mentioned that I'm really bad at making predictions. Watch, I'll probably make it to my scheduled day to be induced, April 9th.


  1. You get 2, Count them 2 picks

    of 2 hour windows.

    closest wins.

    I have it on good authority, that the window is Tonight through, your next doctor's visit. Which I assume is Monday or Tuesday.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Okay...let's see.

    March 31, 6-8 pm

    April 5, 5-7 pm

    There you have predictions.

  4. Bow-chicka-wow-wah! I still maintain that you look GREAT! I can't wait for you to 'pop' and then we all get to meet the new Barrett in town.
