Monday, March 29, 2010

Baby update.

I just got back from my appointment...nothing has changed. I'm still dilated to nearly 3 cm and 75 effaced. How can that be?! I thought for sure I'd be a 4 and he would be like, "Well, lets go ahead and induce you today." But no...the waiting game continues. And to make things worse, I thought it was just Saturday and Sunday that I couldn't go into labor, but now, starting Wednesday night through Sunday my doctor will be out of town. Which means if I go into labor any of those days I'll have to go to the bigger hospital and pay the big bucks. If I wasn't already completely paranoid. And it's Easter weekend! How can I just sit around and relax?! There's so much to do!! girl number three...again...DO NOT decide to arrive Wednesday night through Sunday...bad days...very bad you hear me?! You don't want a grumpy mommy the day you come into the you?! (I'm just kidding around, I'll be very happy to see you...but seriously...don't come on those days!)

In other news, my parents arrived last night. Very exciting! They get to stay for a while...hopefully through the end of May! I love it when family is near!


  1. I can't believe you're so close!

  2. Well, that makes my second window on the pool, 8-10pm tonight. I probably have 24 before your wed guess is closer than mine...

    Did I tell you that Ryan said, if someone won the baby pool, they got to name the baby?

    just so you know....

  3. first of all Congragulations....(my mom is with me and she says don't wrry girl to you!!)
    and thanks for the share
