Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Yes...that's right...snow. Ugh! I'm so not in the mood to see snow at this point, and unfortunately, I think we're going to see more tomorrow. Not happy about that. At least I don't have to go anywhere. Just brewed a pot of decaf. Warm cup of decaf + the last piece of gooey butter cake = a beautiful thing! I have such a weakness for cake in the morning...I just can't resist! I had to kind of sneak it while Morgan played in the other room. I hid out in the kitchen and every time Morgan came running in the room I had to quickly stash the cake behind something so she couldn't see it. I know...I'm awful...I can't even share with my own daughter! Now that I think about it...Big pregnant lady hiding out in the kitchen eating cake...hmmm...doesn't sound very flattering. Well, I figure I'll get back on track after I pop this baby out...honest.

It seems everyone in this house is sick. Morgan is still recovering with a lingering cough that just won't quit. Ryan has had a nasty cold since last week and has been getting limited sleep. His hacking at night combined with my apparent snoring (I blame it on the pregnancy because I'm NOT a snorer normally!!) it doesn't make for very good sleeping conditions. Also, this pregnancy is doing a number on my hips. Since I can only sleep on my sides combined with the extra weight/pressure on them, it gets to be very painful. So that results in me flopping from side to side all night, which let me add, is no easy task! Ahh, do we sound glamorous or what?! And Haley seems to be getting another cold! Will this ever end?!

Today is my last window to go into labor. After that, I've got to make it to Monday. So, here's to NOT going into labor for four days...wish me luck!

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