Friday, April 2, 2010

Two weeks to go...

aaahhhhhh!!!! I can't believe it! If you ever want Winter to fly by...just get pregnant and make sure your due date is in the early Spring. Seriously, I can't believe how fast Winter came and went! I have finally managed to get a drawer ready with baby clothes, so now the baby doesn't have to come home naked. I also threw together some things for my, you know, I am making progress. And surprise, surprise...I think we may have a name lined up. You'll have to wait to hear it though, as we may change our minds yet again.

Unfortunately, the sickness that has been running through this house has finally hit me. I thought my superior immunities were going to keep me safe, but not this time I guess. It's just a bad cold, but still, no fun.

My other brother, Andrew, drove in from Long Beach yesterday. He's a teacher so this is his Spring Break. It's so fun to have lots of my family around. I love it! Too bad the weather isn't better though. Although, Andrew plans to do a lot of skiing so I guess he doesn't mind too much. I'm just hoping for nice weather Easter Sunday...please, that's all I ask!

Well, not much else...just trying to stay off my feet and stay relaxed...trying to make sure I don't go into labor this weekend (like I have any control, hah!). But you know, just trying to do my part: no long walks, no spicy foods, no jumping jacks or horse back riding, no four wheel driving, and I hate to say it, but no frisky business (sorry'll have to wait until after Easter).


  1. Let me just mark that on my calendar...

  2. I'll mark my calendar.

  3. Twice, apparently.

  4. Maybe you would like to use a highlighter too...
