Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Still no baby.

My mission to go into labor myself before my induction on Thursday (at midnight) is failing. Starting Monday I've been trying to stay as active as possible. On Tuesday I spent the whole morning cleaning and doing laundry, errands, and I hosted a dinner that evening for my whole family. It was my grandparents last night in town...too bad I couldn't produce a baby for them to see before they left.

I spent today entirely on my feet. Beginning at 11:00 my mom and I went out shopping and I didn't get home until around 7:00. I needed to get some new baby stuff: sheets/bedding, car seat cover (I'm trying to spruce up my old one), diaper bag...and so on. The only thing I came home with was a diaper pail. ALL DAY I'm gone...and a diaper pail is all I have to show for it. Kind of discouraging. We actually spent most of the day trying to find the perfect diaper bag. I don't want a the diaper bag that looks too mommy-ish, I want to still look hip, but then I need something with function not just cute to look at. As my children got a little older, I ended up just using large purses...but when they're still little I need all those pockets and space to cram things in. Anyway, saw some cute ones, but just wasn't ready to drop the large chuck of money for it. So anyway...yeah...a diaper exciting. Oh, and still no baby. All that walking...and nothing. Oh well...maybe tomorrow.

I included some pictures of Tuesday's dinner.

Ryan, my brother Andrew, my mom, and my grandmother.

My brothers, Matt and Jeff and my dad.

Morgie with her great-grandpa.

The girls with their Aunt Carrie and Andrew's girlfriend, Nicole.

My mom and I. Love that you can see a little stain on my belly.
I NEED to wear my apron when I cook!


  1. so I hear changing the bedding on all the beds (especially those bunk beds) helps :)

  2. Tonight is the night! Good luck with everything...cant wait to hear about your new baby girl!! Thinking of you guys!
