Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's Almost Time!

Being induced is hard for me to deal with. I went into labor on my own for my first two, so this is a whole new world for me. I don't like having a time set to have a baby...I liked the unknown, "could be any day" feeling. Now, I have this day/time that's hovering over me...something that I'm constantly thinking about. It's just strange. Tomorrow I'll be a mom of I've been doing a countdown all day...12 more hours to go, 10 more hours, 7 more hours. Plus, I think about all the things I still need to do. I wanted this house to be in pristine condition before I leave...not doing so good. I wanted the little crib set up...not done yet. I still need to finish packing my bag...haven't finished it yet. My mind is so distracted it's hard for me to stay on task. When I went into labor on my own with my first two, I didn't have time to think about it. It was already happening and I just had to go with it. Now, I'm building up the moment in my head making myself nervous and anxious. People are telling me I'd better nap mind is racing! No way, will I be able to rest before I leave tonight. I'M HAVING A BABY...TONIGHT!!

Most already know, but I'm not a fan of hospitals... IV's, blood, needles, heart races the moment I walk into the hospital room. Wimpy...I know. I also hate the fact that I have to leave my dignity at the door...I have to accept the fact that I will not have any control of my body when I pass that threshold. Whatever happens, happens.

But, on the plus side...yes, I have to go through all the yucky, uncomfortable stuff...but I get to meet my baby girl tonight!! I'm so excited about that! I can't wait to see what she looks like. Will she be bald like Haley or will she have a head full of dark hair like Morgan? Will she have blue eyes? Will she have huge feet like Haley or petite little features like Morgan? I just can't wait to hold her! I'm absolutely thrilled about that!

My dad had a theory that if I had a huge high fat meal I would go into labor on my own. He said a stick of butter would do the trick. Now, I would never eat a whole stick of butter...but, I did have quite a bit of cheesecake in the fridge. So, I ate the cheesecake...all of my belly...that's right.... ALL OF IT!!! It's been about 3 hours since I ate it, and still no baby...just slightly nauseated. I think I'll be skipping dinner tonight. I guess I might as well accept the fact that this baby isn't coming on her own today.

So anyway, I guess that's it. Tomorrow I'll be a mom of three! Crazy.

Wish me luck!

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