Sunday, April 11, 2010


Piper Virginia
7 lbs 6 oz
20 in
April 9, 2010 at 3:40 am

Wow, what a ride it's been! I still can't believe we have a little newborn in the house again!

So, I went into the hospital at midnight Thursday to start the induction. First of's been a great long while that I've stayed up that late. I tried to take a nap, but it was no use. So I started this process very sleep deprived, but luckily the labor was quick! By 3:15 I was already complete and ready to 3:40 she was born! My quickest labor ever! And let me just throw out a big thank you to who ever invented the thing ever! I just don't know how all those pioneer women gave's amazing to me.

Getting all hooked up...ready to get the show going.
I'm smiling...but I'm completely panicking inside.

Four hours later...ta da!
Please remember that it's about 4 in the go easy on me.

My parents were such troopers!
They also pulled an all nighter with us...thank you...we were so
glad you were there!

Proud Daddy!

The girls were so excited to see their new baby sister!
Little Piper got lots of kisses from them.

And you know...making some phone calls.

Piper with her Aunt Carrie.

Uncle Matt with Cousin Jett.

Nicole and Uncle Andrew.

Uncle Jeffy.
Let me add that we left the girls in Jeff's care Thursday night...what a great little brother I have! I prepped the girls before they went to bed, letting them know that we wouldn't be there when they woke up and to go straight to Jeff's room. They actually remembered! In fact, Jeff said that at some point in the middle of the night he woke up to crazy hair child standing at the edge of his bed looking straight at him saying she had to go potty. It was Morgan. And then in the morning he woke up to another crazy haired child sitting in the middle of his floor. Haley of course. She cuddled up with him for a little while, until he realized that there was no way he was going to be able to sleep with her face two inches from his. Most likely she was whispering or singing too...that how she rolls. So anyway...early wake up call for Jeffy. But he handled everything very well and took care of them until Ryan came home later that morning. Thank you Uncle Jeffy!

We came home from the hospital and were greeted with this.
Thanks Carrie!
So I'm home and I'm loving my relaxing Sunday. Ryan has been Super Dad (as always) and is taking care of the girls and keeping them busy. Piper and I are still trying to get the whole nursing thing down. She's a very dainty eater...making it very difficult to get into a routine. Last night (our first night home) was pretty rough. For a good chunk of the night she was getting up every hour! But, she'll come around...we'll get the hang of it eventually.
She's such a little cutie and I absolutely adore her!


  1. So happy for you! Glad it went ok! 4 hours pretty impressive. I'm so excited to see pics.

  2. Cute, cute, cute!!! Congratulations!
    You look absolutely FABULOUS for just having given birth! Welcome Piper!

  3. She is beautiful! And I love her name! Can't wait to meet her. Congratulations.

  4. way to go guys! look forward to meeting her.

  5. Congratulations Kelly! I'm so glad your induction went well! She's precious.

  6. What a Beautiful Baby, and Mother!!

