Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A little gift for myself...

So as you know, I've been on the hunt for a new diaper bag. I think I've finally found it! Thanks to all that have been giving me suggestions. In the end I picked JJ Cole Collections Theory diaper bag. I think it does a good job at disguising the fact that it is a diaper bag...kinda looks more like a purse to me. But inside it has lots of pockets for all the different odds and ends I'll be carrying around. It also comes with attachments so I can hang it on the stroller easily. It should be arriving in a few days...I'm excited!

I'm slowing getting back into the swing of things with a newborn in the house. My parents have been helping me get the house in order...getting my crib up, and furniture moved around to make the new room ready for Piper. However, it's been kind of bittersweet. Having the room for Piper meant Jeff had to move out. We knew this was coming...but I tell ya...it's been really sad for me. I've really enjoyed having him live with us. He's at my parent's house now...which will be mostly just him living there during the school year since they don't live there full time. I think he'll really like having all the space (and peace) in that house. I still want him to come over regularly for dinners...hate to have the guy starve over there! So hopefully we'll still see him often. Can you tell this is hard for me?! I miss him!

Anyway, the room is now all set up for Piper. It's so spacious...and so clean! Probably the cleanest room in the house!

So this morning I'm standing in the kitchen next to Morgan. She's says to me: "Mommy, if you had your baby...why is your belly so big still?".

Thanks Morgan. Great way to start my day!


  1. Love the bag! So cute. Hope Piper is getting some sleep!

  2. I love the bag! Now that my baby is 17 months I cherish the hard newborn moments. When can I bring you dinner? Thursday (this week or next?) let me know.

  3. Ryan says it's a faux pas, to bring funeral potatoes to a birth.

    It seems unfair... they are Yummmmmmmyyyy

    Is it true?

    Yahhhhh Piper!!!

  4. Not sure on that one...but, I'd eat them anytime!
