Friday, April 16, 2010

Loving Spring!

Wow...I need to get into some kind of routine soon. I feel as though all I'm doing is nursing and changing poopy diapers. Nursing a baby with two other kids is tough. I'm basically trying to parent from the sofa. "HALEY!! SHARE WITH YOUR SISTER!!"..."MORGAN, STOP BUGGING HALEY!!". "GIRLS...STOP FIGHTING!!!". "The phone is ringing...someone bring me the phone!!". And lately, I've gotten quite good at having to get up to grab something, or settle a dispute between the girls while I'm nursing at the same time. Luckily, little Piper doesn't mind a lot noise...she can nurse or sleep though anything! So far anyway...lets hope it lasts!

I'm just very thankful for the warmer temps!! The girls spend the entire afternoons outside making it a little more peaceful in the house.

The girls enjoying a picnic lunch.
My parents left yesterday to go back to CA. They'll be back next week thankfully! So yesterday was my first day with three children without them here. Granted, I still had Ryan in the morning to help get Haley ready for school, but after that...I was on my own! And I'm happy to report that I still had my sanity by the end of the day! I have not yet ventured out of the house with all three yet. In fact I haven't left the house since coming home from the hospital...and honestly I have no desire yet. I'm perfectly content in my little house! I may try a little walk today...we'll see. My in-laws are arriving today from AZ, so being on my own is short lived...which is nice!! Just because I survived one day doesn't mean I'm ready for more...I still need help!!!

Piper getting her first bath at home from Grandma.

Piper doing what she does best...that is, when she's
not pooping or eating.


  1. Piper reminds me of Haley when she was a baby in that last picture...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Congratulations on your new baby. You have a beautiful family.
    Nice blog too!!
